Community news
Christchurch Netball Centre are running a Junior Netball Camp (day only) for boys and girls in Year 7 and Year 8 in January.
We would really appreciate it if you could share this information.
Year 7-8 Junior Camp
Three day Junior Camp (day only, no overnight stay)
For children of all skill levels in Year 7 or Year 8
Dates/Time: Fri 28, Sat 29, Sun 30 January 2022 10am - 3pm each day
Venue: Christchurch Netball Centre
Cost: $100 per child (cost includes food on Day 1 and Day 3, a Camp Diary and a Certificate of Participation)
Guest presenters and coaches
Sessions include Nutrition, Team Work, Tactical, Pre-Movements, Shooting, Defence, Mental Skills and Mental Health, Ball Skills, Movement & Agility, Game Play plus much more
Link to register:
Registrations close Sun 16th January 2022
For further information contact Sara 0279194474