Get ready for flu season – protect your whānau and community
Colder weather also brings along a nasty passenger – the flu.
As you may have seen in the media, it’s shaping up to be a tough flu season, with flu already circulating widely across New Zealand, and Australia reporting a record number of flu cases and even deaths.
Influenza infection rates are generally highest in children, and healthy children are the major cause of the spread of the virus in the community. You can spread the flu bug without knowing you have it – and the elderly, pregnant women and people with chronic health conditions are particularly vulnerable.
Canterbury District Health Board is urging you to protect your whānau and the wider community by getting your flu shot as soon as possible. Getting your flu shot every year offers the best protection against the flu.
Flu shots are available for anyone for a fee from a doctor, nurse or some pharmacists or you or your whānau may qualify for a free shot – check out for more information and flu facts.