CTK Newsletter
Catherine Bartlett
Most Friday mornings a class attends Mass at Christ the King Church at 9am. Families are most welcome to join us.
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Every week a class takes a turn at leading the school assembly. Assembly starts at 11.50 am.
Well done to the following students on their success...
The latest news from around our community ...
Mike Bonisch
Welcome back to Term 4. I hope you had some time with your children over the holiday period and just enjoyed hanging out together.
Ryan McInnes
On Tuesday 23 October Christ the King held their Athletics Day. What great weather we had!
Our mufti fair donation day is tomorrow - Friday 26 October.
Monday 5 November - 7pm in the staffroom. All welcome.
Callum, Daniel and Conor
Canterbury Water polo Championship (A grade)
Sausage Sizzle tomorrow - Friday 26 October
The following people are rostered on towels -
Mary Ford
These entries are based on the National Calendar 2018 distributed by the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We've had one reported case of Chicken pox this week so please bear this in mind if your child is unwell.
Christ the King
The term dates for 2023 are as follows:
Read on for our upcoming events....
Some rights reserved Christ The King School , 2024