Community News by Catherine Bartlett

Joanna ManginOctober 27, 2021

Formation of a Catholic Scout Group in Christchurch

Christchurch North Parish would like to sponsor a scout group (for both boys and girls). If you are interested to find out more – or to potentially be a leader – please come to an introductory meeting at St Matthew’s Hall, 108 Jeffreys Road, Bryndwr on Tuesday 9 November at 7.00pm. Scouting’s purpose is to “empower youth through adventurous experiences to lead lives that make a positive difference”. It is hoped to initially start a Kea Club (6 & 7 year olds) and/or a Cub Pack (ages 8 – 10), before starting a scout troop (ages 11 – 14/15). Phone Edmund le Grelle on 021 2619369 if you have any inquiries.

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