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Christ The King School

CTK Newsletter Term 1, Week 6

Welcome to the Christ the King Newsletter for Term 1, Week 6.

As we near the end of another exciting week at Christ the King, click on the links below to stay updated on all the latest happenings at CTK.


From the Principal's Desk

by Tom Wallis

Tēnā koutou e te whānau – Greetings, family and friends! It's hard to believe we are already heading into Week 7 of Term 1, 2025.

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Video: 2nd Sunday of Lent

This Week's Video Reflection

by Tom Wallis

2nd Sunday of Lent

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Celebrating Martha and Gus – Our Principals for the Day!

by Tom Wallis

Christ the King was buzzing with excitement as we welcomed Martha and Gus into their special leadership roles as Principals for the Day!

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Year 7 and 8 Cricket vs Cobham Intermediate

by Joanna Mangin

On Thursday 13th March, our Year 7 & 8 Cricket Teams represented Christ the King with great enthusiasm in their matches against Cobham Intermediate.

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Swimming Sports 2025!

by Joanna Mangin

What a fantastic day we had at Jellie Park on Wednesday 12th March, as our Year 5 - 8 students took to the water for the Christ the King School Swimming Sports!

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PCT Challenge 2025!

by Joanna Mangin

Two teams proudly represented Christ the King at the annual Blue Light PCT (Police Competency Test) Challenge at Cowles Stadium on Monday 10th March.

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Ash Wednesday Liturgy

by Tom Wallis

Last Wednesday, we came together as a school community for our Ash Wednesday liturgy, led by Monsignor Rick.

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Faith Facts - Term 1 2025

by Mary Ford

Week 7 -10 Mar - 14Mar

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A message from the Diocese

by Joanna Mangin

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Policy Review - Term One

by Joanna Mangin

In term one, the focus is on: Worker Engagement, Participation, and Representation + Recording and Reporting Accidents, Injuries, and Illness. These policies are open for review by parents and staff until the end of Term One.

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Notifying the School of Student Illness, Lateness, and Appointments

by Joanna Mangin

Listed below are our contact options for notifying the school of your child's absence from school including illnesses, lateness and appointments.

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Important Dates - Term 1

by Tom Wallis

Please note that events planned in Term 1 may change from time to time.

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by Tom Wallis

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Register Now with Marist Hockey!

by Joanna Mangin

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by Joanna Mangin

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by Joanna Mangin

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by Joanna Mangin

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by Joanna Mangin

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