by Catherine Bartlett

Parent Council News

CTK has been asked to help with the following 2 events as fundraisers:

· Sunday 4th June Christchurch Marathon Drinks Station – Approx 6.30am until 10am. We need 30 volunteers (may include Year 8 and above students) but the good news is we already have 25 signed up so we are almost there! We did this last year and it was heaps of fun (setting up and handing out drinks for the runners) and a great way to meet other parents in the school, as well as a great opportunity to raise some money for our kids! We earn $1350 for this so it’s a very worthwhile fundraiser.

· Sunday 25th June Bridge to Bridge North Marshalling - Approx 10am until 2pm This is a mountain bike race along the northern bank of the Waimakiriri River that we will be marshalling for – basically just pointing the direction to the riders. We need 17-20 volunteers (may include teenagers) but again the good news is we already have 13 signed up. We earn $700 for this so again a great fundraiser.

Please email Christine or let Catherine know if you can help with either or both of these events. The money from these two fundraisers will go towards purchasing two basketball hoop systems for our children to use on the turf.

In addition to these the Parent Council have this year already funded a new computer for the library and contributed to the new fencing from our fundraising. We are also funding a new Interactive Whiteboard for the Junior school which should arrive shortly. Money from last year’s fair has been put aside to redevelop the playground areas once plans are finalised, so our fundraising is going to really worthwhile projects that benefit our school and all of our children.

Both of these fundraisers need only your time not your money so please spare a few hours and come along and join in the CTK Community Spirit! Thank you for your support.

Christine Fraher