Hero photograph
Biking Port Hills
Photo by Stefi Porter


Stefi Porter —

The Board and management of Transition Holdings Ltd have made good progress in setting up the new merged entity, which is to be named ChristchurchNZ Ltd. 

The purpose of the new company revolves around promotion, attraction, support and leadership. The scope of its activities includes Canterbury as well as Christchurch, recognising the inter-dependency of the city and regions. The approved purpose statement reads:

The purpose of ChristchurchNZ Ltd is to support prosperity, opportunity and a great quality of

life in Christchurch and Canterbury by:

 • Developing a strong city profile and promoting the city locally, nationally and globally. 

 • Attracting visitors, migrants, students, new business and investment through an integrated

programme of marketing, major events and conferences. 

 • Ensuring the business environment supports successful and sustainable enterprise, encourages creativity and innovation. 

 • Providing leadership to achieve these goals. 

Over the next 2-3 months the focus is on developing integrated systems and processes for the new merged organisation, and shifting in to our new offices in BNZ building in July/August. At the same time the management teams are working hard on identifying and implementing value-add opportunities from the integration which are expected to deliver substantial benefits to the city and the region.