Hero photograph
Photo by Tracey Young

Student Kaitiaki Update

Tracey Young —

A huge thank you to everyone who purchased a cupcake, entered the cupcake decorating competition or sent along blankets for our recent SPCA fundraiser.  We managed to raise over $1000 for this fantastic cause!  

The Student Kaitiaki would also like to acknowledge the valued support of Roy and Dixon from Rolleston New World for their kind donation of 265 cupcakes and icing sugar for decorating.

The results of the cupcake decorating competition are as follows:Staff/Parent competition - 1st - Mr Jason Galland, 2nd - Mrs Trina WongStudent competition - Cameron McElwee (HB10), Lola Rendle (HB22), Matthew Wong (HB31), Micaiah Pitkethley (HB26).

Our next event will be a mufti day on Friday 29 September, the theme will be "Come as your future self" linking well to our Sustainability inquiry topic.  More details about this event will follow soon.