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Photo by Tracey Young

Awesome Animal Facts from HB34 & HB35

Tracey Young —

HB 34 & 35 have been researching a variety of animals and then writing information reports. Below are some intriguing facts that they have discovered on their learning journey!

Did you know ...

The little blue penguin travels underwater 15-75 km per day - Rika

Sea otters hold hands while they sleep - Ashley

Red pandas eat 20,000 bamboo leaves per day- Sophia 

Malayan tigers are the smallest subspecies of tiger-Imogen

The bald eagle's wingspan is 2 feet- Nathan

Koala families have different fingerprints - Camryn 

The grey wolf is the largest in the K9/dog family and it lives for 6-8 years- Claudia

Whale sharks have teeth but they don’t use them for eating and they have about 3000 teeth- Keira 

A fully grown moose is bigger than a fully grown horse - Owen

Lamas fight by spitting- Eli