Hero photograph
Photo by Tracey Young

Monday Morning Writing - HB17

Tracey Young —

HB 17 has been hard at work, writing about their Monday morning experiences. Check out a selection of their pieces below. More to come in our next newsletter. Fantastic effort team!

Monday Morning

Beep, beep, beep goes my alarm clock. I hit my alarm clock like a crashing wave. I snuggle back under my covers. It is nice and cosy. Then my mum comes in comes in and shakes me around. I take a peep out of my window. I see a bunch of miserable trees, it is not a nice day. The trees drip with water right onto the fence post. I hear the raindrops pounding on the rooftop. It is very noisy. I hear birds chirping and dogs barking. It is very annoying. I hear the jug boiling and the toaster beeping.

By Sam Baynes

“Woof” “Woof”. My dog is barking at the sandwiches. I pull the covers up. I look out my window. Dad is going to work and the tyres are screeching. I get a sudden fright. I pulled my pillow over my head.

By Liam Wilson

‘Beep, beep’. There’s my sister’s alarm.

“What’s the time?” I mumble.

Mum rustles my breakfast packet. I peek out my window, there are sparkling spots on the soggy grass. ‘Sparkle, sparkle’, there is water on my glass window. A big fog blanket is wrapped around my house. Water drips off the naked tree.

By Lexi Tallott

I slowly open my eyes. It is quiet. My dad is snoring, everyone is asleep. I cannot go back to sleep. I put the cover over my head. My fence is soggy. The rain sounds like pebbles on my roof. My eyes are open, it is slightly dark. My blanket is like a pile of fog.

By Liliana Poutoa

Music blared from Mum’s alarm and gave me a big fright. The music was so loud that I put my pillow over my head. When I was out of my bed, I was as cold as an ice block. I can see the wet grass, as shiny as sparkling diamonds.

By Noah Gillespie