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Photo by PCG

Clearview Fete


The Clearview PCG has recently been discussing whether or not there will be another Clearview Fete in either 2019 or 2020. There are some exciting projects that the school has proposed that the Fete could raise funds for (more info to come in early 2019).

But before a final decision will be made, WE NEED YOUR HELP – will you help us and be part of the next Fete committee? Without your support we CANNOT put together this Fete for our school and the wider community.

As you are aware with any big event it takes a lot of preparation and organisation in the months before the big day. Both of the 2016 and 2018 Clearview Fetes stretched our small PCG team and limited the PCG from supporting our school with the other PCG tasks and events. Any future Clearview Fete requires the involvement of the wider Clearview community, and cannot be an only PCG organised event.

If you would like to be part of the next Fete committee, have skills, expertise or contacts that would be beneficial, please email pcg@clearview.school.nz