Rob Rush — Jun 6, 2018

Kia ora, talofa lava, greetings everyone

Winter is certainly upon us, I hope you are managing to keep warm and dry during this cold patch of weather.   Last week, we had a large team of Year 4-8 students who competed at the Zone Cross-Country race at Halswell Quarry.  Despite the slippery conditions, they ran really well and as a result, we have the largest team of Clearview students qualify for the Canterbury Cross-Country Champs.  Awesome effort and congratulations to everyone who ran.  More information and results are listed in a separate article in this newsletter.

This term, we have been reviewing our emergency procedures and so far we have held a fire evacuation drill as well as a lock-down drill, which is a 'reverse-evacuation'.  Our students and staff are well rehearsed with these procedures and drills have been carried out very successfully.

Our next emergency procedure to practice will be an earthquake drill.  Given that some of our children and staff may find this procedure difficult and some anxieties may present themselves as a result, I want to advise parents that this drill will be carried out before the end of Term 2.  It will also be done in Homebases, during a time that suits each class.  Please feel free to talk about this with your child in advance if you feel it is appropriate.

Our procedure for keeping safe during an earthquake can be viewed on our SchoolDocs site: 

School Docs Username: clearviewprimary

School Docs Password: marama

In the search field, type 'earthquake' and you will be able to view the procedure quickly.

Tomorrow morning at 9am, we have a school assembly which we always look forward to.  It's great to come together as a whole school and to celebrate our achievements.  Parents, as always, you are most welcome to join us too.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Naku iti nei, na

Rob Rush
