Hero photograph
Photo by Tracey Young

Peer Mediation at Clearview

Tracey Young —

by Paige Clark

Peer mediation is about helping people to solve their problems within the playground if they are stuck. Our Peer Mediators help people with friendships. Peer mediation is a great opportunity for students to learn about conflict resolution, for personal grace and working with a range of different students.

 Peer mediation is very important because students learn how to interact with others and they meet with students from around the school. Other students sometimes need support and guidance to work out how to solve the problem in the best possible way. 

Peer mediation is called peer mediation because it’s about helping other students and becoming more understanding when dealing with others. Peer mediation has been around a long time and the idea for it was developed by the Peace Foundation.

You can find out more about Peer Mediation by click on the following link: http://www.peace.net.nz/school-programmes/cool-schools-peer-mediation

A huge thank you to Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. Girvan for supporting our Peer Mediation team this year!