Hero photograph
Photo by Fiona Davidson

What’s the Word?

Clearview —

Across the school we are working on developing our Digital Literacy vocabulary.

 These words however are not limited to Digital Literacy alone and can be used across many curriculum areas and incorporated into our daily lives.

Let’s introduce you to the word ‘REPETITION’.

We all know what it means to repeat a task or a request. In our Digital Technologies programming language, ‘repetition’ means to repeat certain instructions, creating a loop.

At home we could create a loop when baking cupcakes. In the first parts of our sequence we mix all the ingredients together. We could then create a loop by putting a cupcake holder into each hole in the muffin tray. We repeat this step 12 times. We then stop that loop and start a new one - pouring the same amount of mixture into each cupcake holder. We repeat this step 12 times. We then move on with our sequence by putting the tray in the oven and baking the cupcakes.

Across all curriculum areas we use repetition to help us learn. We practise basic facts and times tables over and over to memorise them. We re-read books to help us develop fluency and deepen our understanding. In PE we practise skills repeatedly in order to master them.

In what ways can you show your tamariki examples of repetition at home?