Hero photograph
Photo by Clearview

Home Learning from Matatea

Clearview —

This week in Matatea the students have been learning about persuasive writing.  

One of the activities was to convince Mr Rush that playtimes and lunchtimes should be longer.  Here is one of the responses:

"I agree that playtime should be extended because we can have more fresh air and teachers can have a longer break.  More fresh air is good for my brain and its growth.  The more rest I have the better I can focus in class.  If I can focus better in class I will learn easier.  Teachers that get longer breaks will be happier and a happy teacher is a happy me.  Longer breaks for teachers means they can drink more coffee.  A teacher that is well-rested is more relaxed and chilled."

Nature art:

For art, students had to make a picture or pattern using natural materials only.   Feature photo from Cam Diehl.

Dog on bed photo/fence photo:Students also had to complete a photography scavenger hunt, looking for examples around the home for many different categories. 

Lauren Morriss - dog on bed

Juliet Haigh - fence

Three beautiful examples from Homebase 9's nature art.