Hero photograph
Photo by Hotmail

Statements via E'Mail

School Notices —

Have you not received your statement? There has been an issue with hotmail addresses, please see steps below to rectify this.

Step 1

Sign in to your Windows Live Hotmail account, click the “Options” button on your inbox page and click the “More options” link to open the Hotmail Options pane.

Step 2

Click the “Save and blocked senders” link in the Preventing Junk Email section to open the pane, and click the “Blocked Senders” link.

Step 3

Scroll the Blocked Senders pane and select the sender’s email address.  (cvadmin@clearview.school.nz or admin@clearview.school.nz)

Step 4

Click the “Remove from list” button.

If you are still not receiving statements, could you please either provide us with a different email address, or come into the office to pick up a hard copy.

Thank you for your patience with this issue.