Hero video
Video by Kent McDonald

Flag Boy

Kent McDonald —


Hello, my name is Luke and I am in Quest team this year. I am 9 years old and I have been at Clearview Primary since I was 5. Mr Hof and I work together at lunchtimes on a range of different projects. Some of these projects include sweeping up the bark, loading the skip and cleaning up his yard. The thing I like most about working with Mr Hof is that I find it relaxing.

I also have another very important job at Clearview. Each morning I come to school to raise the New Zealand flag and also the Clearview flag. You will see these flags flying each day outside Mr Rush’s office. At 3 pm, I then take both flags down and return them to the office. Mr G said I can take the flags home and bring them back each morning which I am very excited about. The teachers are happy for me to take the flags home because they know I will be here each morning to set them up. The thing I love the most about this job is that I feel proud of myself.
