Hero photograph
Photo by Tracey Young

Netsafe's Online Safety Parent Toolkit

Tracey Young —

Resources to support families with online safety.

The toolkit explains the online challenges young people are likely to encounter, how to best support them, and what you can do to teach your child to have a safer online experience.  It has been designed to overcome any perceived or real technology knowledge gaps between what parents know and what their child knows – or thinks they know.

At the heart of the Online Safety Parent Toolkit is a seven-step framework that guides parents through online safety conversations with their children. It helps parents to:

  1. Understand potential risks, challenges and sometimes illegal behaviours
  2. Learn about their tamariki’s activities
  3. Explore for themselves the technology their child uses
  4. Agree and set expectations as a family on what to do online
  5. Teach basic online safety concepts
  6. Model the behaviours you want to see your child use
  7. Plan what to do if things go wrong

More details about the toolkit can be found on https://www.netsafe.org.nz/online-safety-parent-toolkit/