Hero photograph
Photo by Rob Rush

Online Safety -check your child's usage

Rob Rush —

As we approach the holidays, we look forward to some downtime and time to spend with family. This is also a time that we need to be mindful about the time our young people are spending on devices and what they are doing when on them.

Encouraging open discussion and dialogue with your child about what they are doing and who they are talking to is vital. You don’t want to be in a position where they won’t talk to you if something has made them feel uncomfortable in a game or on a social media platform because they are worried they will get in trouble.

In a recent report, Instagram was ranked the worst for young people’s mental health. Using filters on photos on Instagram can set unrealistic expectations and create feelings of inadequacy. Children may strive for more 'likes' by using realistically edited photos. Judging themselves against other users on the app might threaten their confidence or self-worth.

All social media platforms and games have age ratings, however many people overlook them as they change the child's age as there is no verification required. Peer pressure has a large role to play in age ratings being overlooked. Children don’t want to be the ones left behind and can put their parents under pressure to allow them to play a game or go on a social media platform beyond the recommended suitability, especially when all of their friends are playing it already.

Here at Clearview, we talk and educate openly with the learners about safety online and including the sharing and resharing of inappropriate messages and pictures. We encourage you to take time to sit down and set boundaries and have an agreed understanding of what devices can be used for over the holidays. Ensure our children are safe and you know what the children are doing online is everyone’s responsibility.

To learn more or to access some useful resources for parents, visit:  Netsafe's Online Safety Parent Toolkit