Hero photograph
Photo by Kent McDonald


Kent McDonald —

Check out the cool things happening across the school.

The Engage Team (Year 2's) are learning to use Google Classroom as part of their Reading Programme. There are many digital skills being taught to ensure the students are able to log in correctly and access the online assigned lessons. The Year 2 students have also been working with a Year 7/8 buddy to practise these skills

Year 5/6 - Quest team has started a range of activities during discovery time this term. Mr G’s class has been using devices to explore some basic coding, and we are looking forward to building on those skills throughout the term. We have also been using devices to discover and solve riddles, and to put our problem solving skills to the test!

Year 7/8 - The Challenge Team are using Swift Playgrounds to continue looking at some basic levels of coding. The students are building on their skills in order to create some exciting things in the future using coding. It is also a great problem solving challenge!