Hero photograph
Photo by Tracey Young

Kids for Kids Choir

Tracey Young —

By Isobel and Lily

Kids 4 Kids is a concert where many school choirs from around Christchurch come together to be a part of a performance evening. Many people come to watch the performance and sing along. 

The main song of the evening was called Big Aroha. Five of our favourite songs from the night were:  Wake Up, We Know the Way, Lights Surrounding You, Tarakihi and Stand Up.

Jackie Clark and Nathan King ran the Christchurch event. We were instructed to wear colourful clothing so the show looked colourful and bright.

Backstage before the performance, we all felt excited, nervous, scared and anxious.  We could hear lots of talking and laughing from the excited children from the other waiting schools.

Finally it was time to start the show. We all nervously took our seats. Suddenly the lights dimmed. Nathan shouted, “ Welcome to Kids 4 Kids 2019!” 

Just then the first song turned on and I found myself singing “ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!” The show went by so fast even though it was two and a half hours.

We were honoured to have this great experience. Thank you for all your support, especially Jacqui and Miss Dainter.   Without them, taking part in this event wouldn’t have been possible.