Hero photograph
Photo by Clearview

Working Bee

Clearview —

Clearview Parents and Kids - we need your help!

A working bee will be held this coming Sunday 8 December between 9am-2pm to tidy up the school grounds before the summer holidays. We welcome your help for as little or as long as you can spare. We realise it’s a super busy time of the year, but would really appreciate even an hour of your time to help out.

Some of the jobs needing to be done are:

  • Mowing
  • Weeding
  • Spraying (wind permitting)
  • Hedge trimming
  • Window cleaning
  • Picking up rubbish
  • Watering
  • Handyman jobs

The school grounds will be broken down into zones. We ask that on arrival you meet with Jeannie Hood outside of the office block to let us know where you’d like to help out - we can then direct you to the right zone.
The school has some gardening tools, but we’re going to need more. If you’re able to, we ask that you please bring with you any of the following items depending on where you’d like to help:

  • Wheelbarrows, line trimmers, mowers, spray packs (school will provide spray), spray masks, gardening tools, brooms, weed buckets, gloves, window cleaning items.

Please feel free to bring kids along! There will be a sausage sizzle outside the cafe and a free Five to Nine coffee for all parent helpers.
We really look forward to seeing you on Sunday.Many thanks!