Clearview Library — Jul 7, 2021

In week 4 of this term we enjoyed Book Week at Clearview.

We enjoyed a variety of book focused activities which kicked off in week 3 with simultaneous storytime.  Where libraries and schools throughout New Zealand and Australia enjoyed listening to 'Give me Some Space!' by Philip Bunting being read by NASA astronaut Dr Shannon Walker from the International Space Station! 

We also enjoyed various staff members reading in the chill zone at lunchtimes and did some AMAZING blast off colouring in.  Our week of celebrating books and all things reading finished on Friday 28th May with an amazing parade of characters, what a fun week we had!

As part of our book week we held our very first Scholastic Book Fair in the library space, it was open before and after school, giving parents and students an opportunity to come and purchase books.

The book fair was a HUGE success! Resulting in the Clearview library earning $3,178 of Scholastic rewards, this means lots of excellent, exciting new books for the library and for all Clearview students to enjoy.  

A big thanks to the parent helpers for their assistance over the week - Tina Lillie, Renee Norrell, Evette Furniss and Debbie David.

Pictured are some of the awesome new books that will start hitting the shelves in the first week of next term.