Hero photograph
Photo by Rob Rush


Rob Rush —

If your child wears a smartwatch, please read this article.

We are seeing an increase in the number of children wearing smartwatches while at school. While these are a useful tool for communication and safety, we do ask that parents remind children that wearable devices should be treated the same as mobile phones at school, i.e. not used to call and text between 9am and 3pm.

Any issues (such as illness) should be reported to a teacher first and foremost. If/when parents need to be contacted, this is done through the school office.

Sending and receiving messages during learning time can be very distracting. Some smartwatches can be locked for certain times of the day so they can only be used as a timepiece and step counter. If this is possible, we encourage you to configure them to be locked between the hours of 9am - 3pm.