Hero photograph
Photo by Tracey Young

Introducing LINC-ED - our new Student Management System

Tracey Young —

In term 4 last year, we started the process of changing SMS (Student Management Systems) to ensure a more robust and efficient system for all.

We are excited to be able to launch our new reporting system, LINC-ED in 2019 with parents and caregivers. The staff are currently learning the key aspects of the new system  and we are excited to soon share this with you and involve you further in your child’s learning journey.

Our aim has been to implement a robust system that allows teachers, parents, and students to access learning in an online environment that is secure, easy, and effective.

LINC-ED allows teachers to share learning anytime, anywhere and this can be viewed on any device. We are excited about the potential that the software offers. The student pages within Linc-Ed are designed to build year on year so that over time you will have access to comments, assessments, images, video and helpful resources all in one place.

More details to follow soon about the parent portal to Linc-Ed - keep an eye on your email inbox!