Message from the Principal

Rob Rush —

Kia ora, talofa lava, greetings everyone,

Term 2 is well and truly underway and it's been great to see the children and staff return with such enthusiasm.  I extend a very warm welcome to all of our new students and families who have started with us this term.  Last Friday's mihi whakatau was a wonderful occasion for us as a school to come together to officially welcome you all.  For those who were able to make it along,  I hope you enjoyed the experience.

Starting next week, we will be launching "Active Autumn" in support of the Selwyn District Councils initiative to get our local children active on their way to and from school.  There are multiple benefits of actively getting to school which is detailed on the flyer that has come home with your child today.  As part of 'Active Autumn' there are two competitions that our students can choose from:

  • WoW Challenge - Walk or Wheel your way to school
  • Poster Competition 

There will be more information to come, we will discuss this at tomorrow's assembly and your child will be coming home with everything they will need to participate in this - should they choose to.    It will run for the next three weeks, finishing on Friday 1st June.

Throughout this term we have a number of school events coming up so please be sure to check out our school google calendar or take note of them listed in this newsletter.  It's always fantastic to have our parents involved and/or present at our school, so please feel welcome to come along and be part of our school life.

Enjoy the rest of your week and have a relaxing weekend.

Naku iti nei, na

Rob Rush
