Hero photograph
Photo by Clearview

Matatea Olympics 2021

Clearview —

The Olympics are upon us and the first medals have been won for New Zealand.

For the first two weeks of this term the Matatea team’s learning focus is about the Olympics and how people participate in events in a safe and enjoyable way that brings joy to them and others.

Within each Homebase the students are grouped to represent five different countries and are working collaboratively to complete different learning tasks. Each task links to our Clearview Competencies of Care, Connect, Create, Climb, Collaborate and be Curious. As the tasks are completed the groups earn a part of our school logo to glue together to represent their completed learning.

Create - class torch, team flag and labels

Care - care for our environment by designing/making medals from recycled materials

Curious - Ancient and Modern Olympics comparison, typing their findings on Jamboard

Climb - Country Research - learning about the country they are representing and present their learning on a map grid.

Connect - Programme a Beebot or Sphero around the map of the country research information

Collaborate - All learning tasks have a collaborative component to them

Teams will also be competing in Minute to Win It Challenges each day to earn points for their country. They will be balancing dice, using chopsticks, flipping cups and bottles, stacking nuts, dropping a ball into a cup and stacking blocks on their heads. The challenge is on.