Hero photograph
Photo by Rob Rush

Term 2's Parent Seminar - Wednesday 20th June

Partnerships Team —

Topic: Big Emotions and the Stress of all this Parenting!

Date: Wednesday 20 June

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: Clearview Library

Cost: Gold coin donation, collected at the door

This seminar is designed to support parents who have a child with big emotions.   As well as this, come along to find out how to look after yourself and your children’s wellbeing when life is busy or times are tough. 

This is a chance to hear some parenting tips, tricks and to ask two professionals any parenting question you’ve ever wanted! 

Dr. Dean Sutherland and Anna Mowat have a long history working with families. Together they provide practical, funny and heartfelt seminars for parents on the things that are often tricky to talk about. 

Anna and Dean love hearing and sharing stories, so feel free to bring questions along. If you like they will make time afterward for a cuppa and private chat.

Dr Dean Sutherland

Dean is a dad to 3 teenagers (aged 19, 15 and 15), he is also a Speech and Language therapist and a senior lecturer at the University of Canterbury. Dean is passionate about helping children and adults understand and develop the art of communication and relating - so we can better understand and support each other. Dean facilitates a range of workshops and courses for parents and professionals.

Anna Mowat

Anna is passionate about parent-child relationships. She has English and Psychology degrees and has been focussed on parenting since she became a mum and started work with SKIP (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents). Today she has three girls aged 13, 9 and 3, is the Family Advisor for All Right? and facilitates the Ministry of Education’s Incredible Years parenting groups.

Brought to you by our School Partnerships Team