Hero photograph
Photo by Kent McDonald


Kent McDonald —

Seesaw is a platform students use to create their own learning journal. It's an amazing way to capture learning that has traditionally eluded the parent eye. It allows learners to capture learning in all its forms through video, voice recordings, photos and links.

The Spark year 3 students are learning how to use Seesaw so they can share their learning with their family. Each student has their own Seesaw learning journal that allows the students to share and keep a record of their learning. As a parent or family member you can receive notifications when your child makes a post to their journal, through the Seesaw parent app, free to download on any platform. If you don't have access to your child's portfolio contact your child's teacher. Grandparents, aunts and uncles are also encouraged to join! The students love getting feedback and comments about their learning.

Watch this intro video for more information.