Clearview — Jul 2, 2019

This term we have been lucky enough to be part of the Winter Sport Programme run by The Selwyn Sports Trust.

Students have been traveling by bus to Lincoln to participate in 18 sports, kindly offered by the following organisations. Clearview Primary are extremely grateful to the Selwyn Sports Trust for offering so many great opportunities for our school.

AFL - Canterbury AFL 

Quick Rip - Canterbury 

Rugby Football - Selwyn United Football Club 

Bowls - Bowls Canterbury 

Basketball - Canterbury RAMS Basketball 

Ultimate Frisbee - Canterbury Ultimate 

Badminton - Canterbury Badminton 

Judo - Westside Judo 

Squash - Canterbury Squash 

Hockey - Waikirikiri Hockey Club 

Golf - Golfpro 

Dodgeball - Selwyn Sports Trust 

Handball - Selwyn Sports Trust 

Turbo Touch -  Selwyn Sports Trust 

Crossfit - Selwyn Strength 

Ki O Rahi - Lincoln High School 

Spin Class (Indoor Cycling) - Selwyn Council 

Self Defence - Pro Active 

Selwyn Sports Trust have done a fabulous job of organising 17 schools and over 1000 students to join in the fun. Our students have been having a great time, making new friendships and trying new sports that we hope they will continue to play. 

Clearview Sports Team