by Clearview

Clearview Primary Uniform updates

ClearviewNovember 27, 2023

We have been working hard with our uniform supplier New Zealand Uniforms (NZU) this year to continually review and improve the Clearview Primary uniform. We have a few exciting updates to let you know about.


Firstly the Board of Trustees has approved a change to the uniform undergarment. We will be moving to a plain black long sleeved undergarment/thermal top to be worn for extra warmth on colder days. The undergarment can be sourced from wherever you choose as long as it is plain black. NZU will also have some available at their store. This way it is up to you whether you go for a cotton, thermal, woollen layer or otherwise layer.

NB. The existing grey undergarments are still also acceptable as part of the school uniform (and will be for some time) so there is no need to purchase a new black one if your grey one still fits.


NZU have rolled out an alternative design of their trousers so we will now have a reinforced knee option available for back to school. This should help with the wearing in the knees for those busy children!

Senior (Year 7 & 8) skirts

After listening to feedback from seniors telling us they would like the option of both a skort and a skirt we have reintroduced the skirt option. It was previously available years ago which is why you may see some floating about but further production had been discontinued with only limited stock available. An updated design which was worked on with a focus group of senior students in a range of sizes should be available for back to school late January from NZU.


NZU are improving the existing skorts to provide a more comfortable & roomy fit especially around the back of the skorts. In addition, we are currently working on a completely elastic waistband design option as we know that the zip & button can be tricky to manage for some of our students, especially our juniors.

Sports Uniforms

We have been thrilled with the new Clearview sports tops which feature our Kowhaiwhai in the print. The tops have already had multiple outings for Football, Hockey, Cricket, Cross Country, Badminton, Volleyball, Bowls and Canterbury Athletic teams.

Look out for some more new sports uniforms rolling out next year! 

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