Annie Bowker — Jul 1, 2019

Science Badges were awarded at the assembly in week 9

During our year 8 Māori Assembly on Friday 28 June students who had completed their science badge activity cards for the term were awarded their certificate and badge. It was thrilling to see nearly 150 students come up on stage. This truly is a celebration of science learning at Cobham. Some students have been awarded their badges prior to this assembly as they had already completed the badge tasks.

At the beginning of term 2 students chose their activity sheet from 1 of the 29 available. In many cases, students opted to complete 2 sheets as part of both class and home study. Students must complete 20 points from the activity selection on the card and have these signed off by their class teacher.

In addition, there is an incentive award for when a student completes the required number of badges: 5 for bronze, 10 for silver, 15 for gold. The teacher in charge of science, Mrs Annie Bowker keeps a record of the number of badges each student has attained and the incentive awards are presented at assembly.