Science Badges @ Wairarapa Cobham
The opportunity for students to complete science badges is a great way for them to get involved in ‘practical science’, follow their interests and discover new ones. Our school coordinator for this opportunity, Annie Bowker, is a member of the Science Badge Trust. Currently, there are 31 activity badge cards available for Year 7 and Year 8 students. Students are able to wear their badges on their uniforms.
Ask your teacher
Select a badge you would like to do
You can preview some of the activities by clicking on the link below the badge.
Bring $6.00 in a clearly marked envelope- name, class, badge you have selected – hand this in at the office.
If you paid by internet banking please give a paper notification to your teacher.
Your teacher will then pass on the task card.
On completion of tasks = 20 stars your teacher will give this to Mrs Bowker and your badge will be awarded.
The trust has introduced Incentive Awards. When a student completes the required number of badges for Bronze (5), Silver (10), Gold (15) and Platinum (31) an incentive badge is awarded. Students gaining Gold and Platinum are then eligible to have a place on the Honours board.