Andy Gibson — May 9, 2017

On Friday May 5th we had the AIMS Games Media team at Cobham - please read below for what we got up to...

The video had just gone live!!!

With 13 years of AIMS Experience we had the privilege of being apart of the AIMS Games's promotion "Road to the AIMS Games" in association with ACC Sport Smart

Darsha Keogan and Hugh Nixon were asked to speak to the AIMS Team about their experience of the AIMS Games last year and about their sporting achievements.  Miss Lawton even got some camera time :) Both students (and teacher) did an amazing job in their interviews. 

Following the interviews we had the Boys Soccer team and Girls Basketball team playing games while the film crew took footage of them. This was a really cool experience for all the students involved. We do want to stress that just because we had these teams involved does not mean they will be going to the AIMS. 

After lunch we had our AIMS Qualified Swimmers attend a once in a lifetime experience over at Jellie Park with Olympian Sophie Pascoe. The team had a meet and great with Sophie before they went through a pre-swim warm up routine. All the students asked some fantastic questions to Sophie and the AIMS organisers were really impressed with our students. 

Following on from the warm up the athletes has a swim session with Sophie which I am sure they will remember for the rest of their lives. 

We all had such an amazing day and we would like to thank the AIMS organisers especially Vicki Semple and the Anchor Milk team for choosing Cobham Intermediate to be one of the schools to feature on their promotion. 

The footage and interviews will be posted on the AIMS Games Facebook page leading up to September. 

Please like and share their page : Anchor AIMS Games International Sporting Championships