Experience Cobham
Tori Wilby - June 9, 2020
Due to the uncertainty of Alert Level restrictions, we have decided to modify our traditional Experience Cobham Days for prospective 2021 enrolments and cancel our annual Open Evening.
There are still numerous ways for you to find out more information about our school:
Tours by the Principal - our Principal, Eddie Norgate will host tours with parents at regular times between now and the middle of August. Numbers will be limited for each session. During these tours, Eddie will walk you through the school and will be able to answer any of your questions. Tours are available on 24 and 25 June, 23 and 24 July, 10 and 12 August. Please click the link below to book one of these tours. Tours will last 50 minutes and will be restricted to 10 families per group.
Click here to book a tour of the school with the Principal
Experience Cobham - this two-hour experience will give your child the opportunity to experience Cobham with regular students, participating in regular activities on a regular day. It will give them a great taste of life at Cobham and help alleviate any worries or concerns and/or provide further excitement about what might be ahead of them at Cobham.
Eddie will hold a question and answer session for parents on each of the Experience Cobham sessions and will provide a tour of the school. These will start at either 8:45 am or 1 pm, depending on the session you choose for your child, and will run for 50 minutes.
We have the following options running from Monday 27 July through to Thursday 06 August.
Monday 27 July 8.45 - 10.45 am
Wednesday 29 July 1.00 - 3.00 pm
Wednesday 05 August 8.45 - 10.45 am
Thursday 06 August 1.00 - 3.00 pm
Programme for each session:
Meet in the hall for a brief introduction.
Students have a tour of the school and then head to a technology option.
Parents will go to the staffroom for a question and answer session with the Principal and have a tour of the school (50 mins)
Children choose two options from below and will get to do one of these:
Lab Science
Food Technology
Fabric Technology
Hard Materials (Woodwork)
Digital Technology
Click here to book an Experience Cobham session
Open Night - there will be no Open Night in 2020.
Website - our website has a range of information about our school including the online enrolment form, our enrolment policy and the 2021 Prospectus.
We look forward to providing our prospective students and their families an opportunity to find out more about Cobham Intermediate.
All enrolments are due by Friday 28 August 2020. A ballot will be held on Tuesday 1 September 2020.
If you require any further information, please contact Christine Lambie, via email christine.lambie@cobham.school.nz