Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Lambie

From The Principal's Desk

Christine Lambie —

Week 2, Term 2, 2019

Kia Ora, Talofa Lava and warm greetings,

Welcome back to term 2.

You may remember your cross country experiences from your school days. Your range of feelings and emotions more than likely mirrored the experiences of our students yesterday. We know for most this week’s cross country was a genuine challenge and some enjoyed the experience. We talked prior to the event about students setting a plan for the run, whether it was to run without stopping or to start off slowly and then to overtake others towards the latter part of the race. I do hope some plans came to fruition.

Thank you to those parents who came to support and particular thanks to Courtney Ross who organised the annual event. Best of luck to those students who will represent Cobham at the Inter - Intermediate cross country event scheduled for 19 June at Halswell.

On the sporting theme, wInter sport starts next week. Plenty of different options on offer, with sports at school, paid options and competitive team sport. I trust your child will find enjoyment on a Tuesday afternoon and that they will also be challenged in some way. Just to reiterate, all ‘paid options’ need to be sorted before the season starts.

Open days/nights for most secondary schools are imminent. I have communicated the process for sharing information with high schools and when staff might assist with references with all Year 8 families on the first day of this term.  As you can appreciate writing 330 references would be time consuming and the email sent on Monday 29 April explains how we liaise with secondary schools to share appropriate information on your child.

Experience Cobham - most of our current students have been part of our successful “Experience Cobham” mornings. The 2019 iteration will run from 17 - 24 June. Details will be on our website and shared via facebook later this week. Please feel free to share this information with friends and family.

Open Night is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23, the first Tuesday of Term 3.  Again we would appreciate you sharing this information with friends and family. Enrolment forms for 2020 can be completed online from now, just follow this link - https://forms.linc-ed.com/?school_id=3323. Online enrolments are preferred or hard copies of enrolment forms and our prospectus will be available from the office from mid June. Enrolments close on August 30th. Please adhere to this date to avoid disappointment.

The election for the school Board of Trustees will be taking place soon. Having a strong Board is essential for the growth of any school. Please consider standing and supporting our school.  Any questions about the process can be directed to our Returning Officer - Christine Lambie christine.lambie@cobham.school.nz.  Board Trustee Nomination Forms are being posted this week. We have five positions available for appointment this year, with nominations closing at noon on Friday 24 May.

As I am sure you know, the PTA has held their major fundraiser for this year, with our students selling chocolates. This has gone particularly well and we thank you for your support. There are a few boxes that need to be returned this week. Returned money or unsold boxes can be returned to the office at any stage.

I hope you continue to enjoy your association with our school. Please remember we are here to work with children and families and welcome your comments and support.

And finally, to all the mothers, I do hope you enjoy Sunday.

Ngā mihi nui,