Christine Lambie — Nov 8, 2017

Week 4, Term 4, 2017

Kia Ora, Talofa Lava and warm greetings,

A big congratulations to all of our students for the way they carried themselves on athletics day. The day was particularly warm for both teachers and students, however we were pleased with the resilience and positivity of our students. It was a shame there was no time for the relays as the staff team was well drilled and ready to perform well against the student selections. We wish those heading to Ashburton to represent Cobham, the best of luck. We know they will represent Cobham with pride and show 3RP@C in Ash-Vegas.

This week we’ve had three Year 8 classes away on camp and next week our remaining eight classes will venture off to various parts of the South Island. Camps are so memorable for students and from my own experience as a teacher, students often reflect fondly upon camps. We really do appreciate parental support to make these learning opportunities a possibility for our students.  We know that some parents take annual leave to attend school camps, and for that, we are grateful.  Without parental support we cannot meet the necessary ratios to host camps.

We have some individuals and groups that have achieved on a national level that need to be congratulated:

As mentioned in the last newsletter we have been enforcing our Sun Safety policy with all students. Students who do not present at school with a hat have and will be supervised in the hall during interval and lunchtimes. All classes have sunscreen and we do encourage students to apply sunscreen in the morning before coming to school. We do appreciate your support with our sun safety procedures.

The Year 8 Formal will be held on the evening of Thursday 7 December. The Big Day Out for Year 7 students is Monday 11 Dec and for Year 8s is Tuesday 12 December. All fees (excluding donation) must be paid before children can buy tickets for the Year 8 formal or attend Big Day Outs.

Just some notes for the diary - Year 8 Prizegiving is being held on Wednesday 13 December at Christchurch Boys’ High School Hall at 7pm. This is the last day of school for Year 8s. The Year 7 prizegiving will be held in the Cobham Intermediate School Hall at 11am on Thursday 14 December. School closes for Year 7s at 12.20 pm this day.

Enrolments for next year are closed. Obviously we will accept any in zone applications and any out of zones enrolments will be added to our waiting list.

Ngā mihi nui,