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by Christine Lambie

Cobham Newsletter

Christine Lambie - September 6, 2023

Week 8, Term 3, 2023

Kia Ora, Talofa Lava and warm greetings,

Musical Medleys - nearly there! Rehearsals are going well, and we are excited to showcase the skills and talents of our students next Tuesday night. The final touches are now being put together to weave the different medleys together. We appreciate the support of parents who have ensured that their children have been able to attend rehearsals during the weekends - only one more weekend of rehearsals left!

If you have yet to secure your tickets, please don’t be disappointed - get them now. Tickets can be purchased via the website and we will see you next Tuesday evening.

Ilam Road One-Way Traffic

Ilam Road will be one-way from Memorial Avenue to Clyde Road for the next six months to allow the Council to construct cycle paths along Ilam Road and to install an appropriate signalled pedestrian crossing close to our Ilam Road Entrance. This change will take effect on Monday, September 11th, and has been advertised on surrounding roads for the past two weeks.

Please carefully read this document from the contractor.

The crossing will remain, though it will be governed by a temporary lighting provision and in time a permanent arrangement will be installed. We will continue to provide adult supervision on the crossing.

Please be considerate of other drivers. We kindly request that drivers exercise caution and allow extra time for their journeys during this time as Ilam Road will be 30km an hour. We understand that these changes may cause delays, and our primary concern is the safety of all individuals using these routes, especially our students.

Alternative drop-off points - please be aware that there are alternative drop-off locations available. These include:

  • Jellie Park on the Greers Road side.

  • Along Memorial Avenue.

  • Close to the roundabout at the corner of Ilam and Clyde Roads.

  • On Gleneagles Terrace.

Utilising these options can help ease traffic congestion in the vicinity of the school.

In advance, appreciate your cooperation and patience.

Power - Over the next few weeks, classes will start their concept study of ‘Power’. This will be a timely piece of work as we head into the General Election in October.

All students will have the opportunity to take part in Kids Voting which is a programme set up by Electoral Commission New Zealand. Classes will work through a series of lessons on leadership, democracy and the nature of our political system. This section of the concept study will culminate with students actually taking part in the Kids Voting election. This process mirrors what actually happens for adults on election day, where students use ballot papers, enter booths and vote for candidates in their family’s electorate. These votes are counted, collated, and eventually compared with the actual national election results.

The second section of the concept study will investigate the power of individuals and groups to make significant change in society. Teams will choose historical events in New Zealand's history to investigate significant political events such as the Bastion Point protests or the women’s suffrage movement.

There will also be an opportunity for classes to use student power to voice their opinion about or make changes to some of our systems or rules here at Wairarapa Cobham. In the past, we have found that our students have strong views on certain issues and are happy to voice them. We look forward to seeing student power in action.!!

AIMs Games - I had the privilege of spending the first part of this week with our dedicated AIMs Games team in Tauranga. A sincere thank you goes out to all the parents who generously devoted their time and effort to support this event. Your roles as managers, drivers, and steadfast supporters of our students have made a significant difference. Thanks for giving your time.

We understand that there are costs associated with sending students to AIMs Games, and we are appreciative of the financial commitments made by parents and families. It's important to remember that beyond the expenses, AIMs Games provide invaluable experiences both on and off the field. These moments create lasting memories, and for many of our students, this event serves as their first exposure to national-level competition. Observing camaraderie, personal growth, and the sense of achievement gained from participating in AIMs Games are immeasurable, and we are proud of our students, staff and parents who make the week possible.

Plantings - Wairarapa Cobham Intermediate School was lucky to receive a considerable donation of native trees from Southern Woods. It has been wonderful to watch the spring growth on the new hedge. We hope that in time the hedge will eventually conceal the austere corrugated iron fence. Thank you to John Perry CEO and Chris Smith the Plant Centre manager of Southern Woods, who gave the students advice regarding how to properly plant the trees to ensure successful growth.

High School Transition Process - As our Year 8 students complete their entrance testing with high schools, I thought it would be helpful to outline the transition process with high schools.

State secondary schools, including Burnside High School, Christchurch Girls' and Boys' High Schools.

  • Several schools are about to conduct entrance testing. (First round at Burnside today.)

  • Year 8 teachers are then asked to fill out information forms about your child's attitude, relationships, extracurricular interests and academic ability.

  • The final step is for respective high schools to visit Cobham and spend time discussing your child with your child's teacher in term 4. This discussion is, without doubt, the most valuable time regarding your child's transition to high school.

Private Schools

Private schools follow a similar process.

  • Staff have already completed detailed information about your child for each private school.

  • Depending upon the numbers, private schools may visit teachers here at Cobham, though they often organise a phone call with specific teachers.

Enjoy the Spring-like weather and the upcoming weekend.


Eddie Norgate