Christine Lambie — Dec 4, 2018

Below are details for classroom stationery and lists for each classroom

All students are expected to have their complete set of stationery labelled with name and room number on their first full day, Thursday 31st January 2019 if they are Year 8, or Friday 1 February 2019 if they are Year 7.

Stationery to be purchased online with OfficeMax at  Alternatively it can be ordered by calling 0800 724 440.

If ordering online visit to link through to your child’s pre-populated back to school stationery list. Enter Cobham Intermediate in the search box and then select which stationery list you need, as per your classroom number. This will ensure you get the correct stationery.

If you choose to purchase it elsewhere please ensure you have the correct class stationery list. Paper copies are also available from the school office. There is no obligation to use Officemax, however we expect all students to have stationery on the first day.

Attached are lists of stationery requirements for each classroom.