Andy Gibson - October 15, 2017
Another awesome AThletics day at Cobham, please read below for the full results from the day!
Please CLICK HERE for all the final results.
Students who have made it through to the Canterbury Intermediate Athletic Champs on the 21st November will be notified over the next week.
Date: 30th October
Time: 9am-3pm (8am for 1500m races)
Venue: Burnside Primary School Grounds (Next to Cobham)
Everyone will compete on the day and is expected to dress in their house colours. Their results will be calculated into a score, which will be collated to class totals.
Two strands of this athletics day will operate at once. If a student chooses Competitive they must compete in any Non-Competitive Strand events when no clash occurs.
Competitive strand –These events will be scheduled to start at certain times during the day and take priority over the challenge strand. There are no late entries whatsoever due to allocated heats etc. Each competitor will need to have their own scorecard to keep track of their athletic standards for house totals. **Andy will hand this out on the day**. Students MUST join their class for the non-competitive strand when clashed don’t occur. This means that everyone will be occupied all day.
Competitive Events
"All Sprint races will be videoed and timed on an app to ensure the results are accurate and fair".
Non-Competitive Strand – students who do not fill out the competitive strand form will automatically be entered into the challenge strand. They cannot compete in any competitive events. Students will rotate around the events in their Classes and will be ticked off at the event. Each group will need a recorder who will write down each class members point standard (see athletic standard scoring system below) based on the time or distance they achieved in the event. There is a rotation policy that is outlined below in this document.
All Competitive students who are free during their classes Non-Competitive are expected to participate with their class!!!!
Non-Competitive events
At the end of the day, there will be HOUSE Relays and Teacher relays.
These will be added below by Friday 27th October.
All Students to go to class as normal to do the roll and get sunscreen put on.
What to wear
· HATS while not competing
· Sunblock to be applied in classrooms before we go out. Red tent will have more during the day.
· HOUSE colours, you come to school in these! No School Uniform required.
· Bags with food and drink for the day.
· NO DEVICES!!!!!!!
· Spikes are okay for all events EXCEPT HIGH JUMP
Competitive Score Cards
All competitive students will be given a Score Card on the day by Andy after the morning briefing. This is to add to the class totals.
The tent in the middle of the track will be the first aid tent and also the information point of call. All enquires you have please find Andy there.
We will have timetables located around the venue too.
We want to encourage all parents to attend the day! The more support the better the atmosphere.
Student behavior
NO DEVICES policy, we want kids engaged on the day. The loudspeaker will announce all events Competitive and Challenge.
Everyone is to stay under the trees unless they are competing. The only time they need to go into the school is for the Toilet.
NO CANTEEN MONDAY but there is a Sausage Sizzle at Lunchtime over at the Athletics Field! $2 each