Citizenship Prefect 2021

Miss C O'Brien —

Caitlin O'Brien

Citizenship can be defined as the quality of a person's response to being a member of a community. At Columba College, this means following the school motto Gracia Et Disciplina Bona, or Grace and Good Discipline, and spreading enthusiasm and school spirit, both inside and outside of the school.

This year, there have been many examples of students displaying such qualities with their participation in a variety of initiatives. These include: Columba College Service Award which was run by Mrs Cheyne, World Vision 40-hour Famine which was organised by Year 12's Jess Solomon, Masyn Harrex, Bella Ballard and Sonya Taylor, and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme which was led by Mr Duckett. In each of these, students have used school values to display a love of community.

As Citizenship Prefect for 2021, I have had the opportunity to give back to, and show my own citizenship in, the Columba community.

I organised Columba’s contribution to Presbyterian Support’s Octacan initiative. I also contributed to the Student Council, being part of initiatives led by Deputy Head Girls, Olivia and Madi, such as fundraising for CanTeen. Also, together with the Academic Prefect, Angela, I set up an anonymous student email account for academic feedback.

Other than this, I have tried to be generally helpful around the school, and always offer a smiling face to those walking past. And, of course, I took up the non-speaking, starring role of Babushka in student-led chapel!

I have also helped out at school events, such as school tours and open days, church services and delivering Easter baskets. Plus, I had the amazing opportunity to meet the German Ambassador to New Zealand, His Excellency Stefan Krawielicki, upon his visit to the college!

Thank you to everyone who has contributed, in any way, to the Columba community this year. In times like these, it is especially important to be a supportive and thoughtful citizen and I am confident that Columba students will continue to do just that.

Caitlin O'Brien.