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Year 10 girls enjoying their yo-yo's! by Ms Riethmaier

Year 10 German class place Second Equal at German Short Film Contest

Ms Riethmaier - December 5, 2017

The Year 10 German class' film will be shown on the big screen at the National Film archives in Wellington and included in the annual DVD of the best entries.

Congratulations to the Year 10 German class who all contributed to their entry in the German Short Film Contest run by the National German Adviser and the Goethe Institut in Wellington.

After struggling with ideas for this year’s topic , “YoYo,” they drew on their avid interest in food and created a competition for the most original version of a yo yo biscuit. We ended up with All Black, German and New Zealand Flag, Kiwi Fruit, Pavlova and Cinnamon Star versions, all of which had to be consumed at the end, leaving the girls with bizarre coloured teeth.