Mrs E Harris — Sep 17, 2021

When Isabella's tour of Scotland's finest Presbyterian schools was cancelled due to Covid, she was given the option to tour New Zealand's top colleges instead. Isabella was thrilled to have the opportunity to come to Columba and spend some time shadowing Head Girl, Rosie Auchinvole.

Isabella addressed the challenges she has faced, over her eighteen years. She reflected: "I have lived through almost five years of constant earthquakes, and still, to this day, my house is yet to be fully repaired. I have lived through the Port Hills fire that ravaged hectares of trees and buildings. I have lived through the Mosque shootings that plunged our city into fear and uncertainty while we lay on the floors of our classrooms and workplaces for five hours. And now, a Global pandemic!" With good humour, she commented that "when you combine these with the usual challenges of growing up and navigating the turbulence that comes with being a teenager in today’s world, it’s fair to say that there have been many learnings."

Isabella's life lessons are ones we would all do well to embrace and she has graciously shared them with us:

  1. Stay connected with people. Talk with friends and whanau, share your feelings, both good and bad and be open with each other.

  2. Focus on what you can control. We can’t control how many new cases of COVID 19 there are in Auckland, and we can’t control what other people say or do. What we can do is focus on ourselves, our bodies and our mindset.

  3. Decide when and where you access our information from. I also think that as teenagers it has become increasingly difficult to decipher the blurred lines between what is accurate information and what is just some self-proclaimed doctor writing an opinion article.

  4. Focus on small and manageable steps so you can taste success.

  5. Keep safe and look after yourself and your whanau.

Isabella says that she has really enjoyed her time at Columba and would like to thank the Auchinvole family for their hospitality and the College staff for their warm welcome.