Hero photograph
Photo by Zoe McElrea Year 11

Art Department

Mr S Shaw —

There were a couple of changes for the Art Department in 2020/2021. The first was my appointment as the new Head of Department. For me, it was a 'new city, new school' situation, but Mrs Andrews and Mrs Dixon made me feel welcome and helped me fit right in.

The second change was, of course, distance learning. In 2020, students were warned of the impending lockdown with enough time to organise their materials. It was also far enough into the year for good work habits to already be well established. Students were not as lucky in 2021, but at least the lockdown was over in time to re-establish programs, enabling students to carry on calmly.

Classes finished the year on track, and the Art Department wishes all of our students the best for NCEA.

Congratulations to the following students who achieved Scholarship Awards over the previous two years (and good luck to those of you entered this year).

Sohie O’Neil (Scholarship in Painting and in Design, 2019)

Amaya Leslie (Scholarship in Design, 2020)

Niamh Patterson (Scholarship in Photography, 2020)

Middle School Art classes have carried on with their existing programmes. The only real change has been a behind-the-scenes reorganisation and consolidation, by Mrs Andrews and myself, to recognise those who complete Middle School as 'graduates' with a clear level of achievement, rather than merely as ongoing preparation for later certificates. This is still a work-in-progress, but it is feeling very positive.

Year 7-10 students have undertaken assignments in photography, sculpture, printmaking, design and history of art as well as the usual drawing and painting units.

The following Senior School Art students have had success with local exhibitions and competitions.


Amaya Leslie and Amelia Chang, Year 13, were joint winners of the scholarship in communication design at the Celebrate Secondary School Design Competition.

Aidan Forbes, Year 12, was highly commended in the same exhibition/competition.

Amaya Leslie, Year 13, had her L3 Design Folio selected for NZQA’s Top Art Nationwide Touring Exhibition.

Lily Frewen, Year 12, gained an award in the Dunedin School of Art annual competition.

Caitlin O’Brien, Year 12, was a finalist in the Wallace Art Awards, a national competition exhibited in Auckland.


Olivia Parks, Year 12, won the overall scholarship award in communication design at the Celebrate Secondary School Design Competition.

Grace Crighton, Year 13, was highly commended in the same competition.

Lily Frewen, Year 13, gained an award in the Dunedin School of Art annual competition.

Lily Frewen and Olivia Pearce, Year 13, had selected work (painting and photography respectively) published in the ODT.