Social Studies

Mrs A Wafer —

Despite COVID, the Social Studies programmes have continued on, as much as possible.

Mrs Piebenga, Ms Lach and I have continued across the year levels. In 2021 we were joined by Mrs Corkhill for Years 7 and 8, and Ms Steel for Year 9. The world we currently live in has allowed us to think differently about our programme, while providing new and interesting angles within our topics.

Year 7 and 8 have looked across global, national and local scales within the teaching programme. The students have enjoyed learning about different cultures and traditions, as well as staying closer to home and looking at the migration of groups both in New Zealand and around the world. Year 7 imagined themselves sailing halfway around the world to start a new life in New Zealand, while Year 8 delved into the world of Egyptian history and culture. We also took the opportunity to incorporate current events into the programme. Classes carried out a weekly current events Kahoot! as well as competing in the online Extra! Current Events Quiz, a fun competition against other schools around the South Island.

Year 9 and 10 had several topics for inquiry this year, one being the Olympic Games. Of particular interest was how women are portrayed in their uniforms. Also, students explored the ongoing issue of drug use and the enormous cost of hosting the Games.

Also, Year 9 looked at how people and environments are affected by migration, how New Zealand came to be here and how societies are influenced by their political system. Students were fortunate enough to experience and investigate a political election firsthand.

Year 10 had a strong focus on Human Rights, looking at both the past and the present. We examined the factors that influenced the history of South Africa. We also looked at New Zealand's Treaty of Waitangi, why it was needed, the resulting conflict and the attempts at resolution. All of Year 9 and 10 also enjoyed the weekly current events Kahoot! as well as the online Extra! Current Events Quiz.

As we farewell the Year 10s from the Social Studies department, we are encouraged by the large numbers who are continuing on with the Social Sciences of Geography and History, next year.