Administration — Aug 31, 2023

Qualification - NCEA level 1

Course Overview

Geography is the study of te taiao (the natural world). “What is where, why there, and why care?” (Charles F. Gritzer, 2002) is an excellent way to think like a geographer. Geography helps us make sense of place, and investigates how things are interconnected, including people.

Big Ideas

Te taiao connects people and people connect to te taiao - investigation connections between people and place at local, regional, national and global scales.

Te taiao can be shaped by natural processes - understanding how natural processes can shape the environment and the impacts they have on people.

Tikanga informs the relationships between the tangata and te taio - looking at kaitiakitanga and the sustainable use of the environment.

Perspectives and power influence te taiao - exploring how different perspectives and power relate to decision making and people’s relationship with place.

Topics Covered

Geography: Level 1