German: Level 2
A theme approach is continued at Level 2 but language and material go beyond basic communication and students read and talk about issues on a more abstract level. Wider, more unsupervised reading is encouraged, as well as greater creativity in writing.
Up-to-date materials from Germany, including films, recordings, songs and authentic printed material, are used. These contain information about young people and the problems and issues which concern them, as well as issues relating to Germany or German-speaking countries. The four basic language skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing, are developed further.
Themes, based on students’ interests, could include:
Young people and family relationships
Work and future plans
Food and healthy lifestyle
Some aspects of recent German history
New vocabulary and grammatical structures are introduced and students build on prior knowledge to read and write in a wider range of language, both formal and informal. Emphasis is placed on students developing the ability to structure texts in a range of styles and participate in spontaneous conversation, as their knowledge and ability to debate topics effectively increases.
At the end of Year 12, girls have the opportunity to participate in the South Island German Exchange with North Rhine-Westphalia, which is open to Years 11 and 12 students. Students spend eight weeks in Germany during our summer holidays, living with a family. Shortly after their return, their exchange partners come to New Zealand until Easter. The stay in Germany enhances a student’s motivation to speak German and proves to be a great personal learning experience.
Year 12 students can also apply for one of the five or six scholarships to Germany offered by the Goethe Institut and the New Zealand German Business Association. All students have the opportunity to be interviewed for preliminary selection by the National Adviser for German.
Level 1 German and recommended Merit pass in Level 1 External examinations, or with approval from the HoD of Languages.