Hero photograph
Handmade teddy from the Boarding House
Photo by Mrs Parks

Boarding Update

Mrs Parks —

Led by the continued enthusiasm and positive spirit of the Year 13 Boarders, the Boarding House is underway for Term 2.

The talk of the House for the first few weeks of term has been the Formal.  KBH doorways were adorned with a colourful array of dresses and shoes and the girls looked stunning in all their finery. The arrival of the mail was a highlight of the week - we don’t think we’ve ever seen so many parcels packed full of dresses and shoes!

Boarders are busy. Most are playing at least one sport, there’s B@TCH on Sundays and an activity on offer at some point each weekend. Last weekend a keen group made very cute wee teddies as pictured above.

In the House we have 22 international boarders representing seven different countries. During the year, we will get to enjoy the cuisine of each of the seven countries at their own special dinner, learn a little of the language and hear from international boarders some of the features of their home country. The most recent event was a special dinner celebrating the cuisine of Japan. 

While we are not yet half way through 2018, planning for 2019 is underway. Applications for Boarding places close on 30 May 2018 so Mrs Reithmaier and Mrs Parks have been very busy interviewing and spending time with new potential Boarders for 2019. If you are aware of anybody considering boarding at Columba for 2019 that has not yet made application, please contact Mrs Parks.