Dr J Macleod — Sep 9, 2021

Have you ever done some small act of kindness for someone you don’t know: held a door open or given directions? Did your feelings towards that person change after you had helped them? What we choose to do can shape our feelings as well as contributing to the lives of others.

I chose today’s reading (Hebrews 13:1-3) as it seems particularly appropriate for our return to Level 2. It mentions three things. There is a call to continue to care for each other. We need to show respect and kindness, and to be patient as we adjust to Level 2 Delta.

It mentions the importance of being welcoming, especially towards those we are not close to. The unknown author of this letter makes the point: you just don’t know what significance your actions might have. I’ve certainly been in a situation, at university, when I made an effort to welcome a somewhat prickly classmate. I later found out he was dealing with a really tough family situation.

Finally, the passage calls us to remember and even identify with those who are suffering. We need to think of and pray for those in Auckland and those who find this time difficult for a variety of reasons.

The author of the letter to the Hebrews was writing to people facing difficult times. In the midst of that, the author’s central context was still holding on to what Jesus has done for us and how much God loves us.