Hero photograph
Guoguo, Hayley, Oil, Charlie and Tee
Photo by Miss J Boonsampankit

International Bowling Collab

Miss J Boonsampankit —

The Columba internationals took on the JMC internationals for an afternoon of bowling fun.

On Saturday the 25th of March, the international department of Columba College and John McGlashan College held a friendly bowling tournament for the international students from both schools to join. The students each played two games in teams of 4-5 people. For two hours, from 4-6 pm, we were able to laugh a lot and watch some excellent bowling skills. Although some of us may not have thought we did too well, we all did a great job and had an incredible time with our JMC friends. What matters most is that we all had a lot of fun!

An exciting result was that Michelle, our Y13 international academic representative, was the winner from Columba College. She scored 116 in her second game and we are EXTREMELY proud of her. Let’s give her a big round of applause, shall we?

Sadly Jerry, a black horse from John McGlashan, scored even higher than her. He came first between the two schools with a score of 138. What a bowler!

Finally, thanks to the international team from John McGlashan College, especially Guy, who helped us to organise this fabulous tournament. It was such a delightful time for both schools.

In the future, we are hoping to do more collaborations with other schools in Dunedin to form a stronger bond, as we did with JMC, and, most importantly, for our international team to know more about each other.

Many thanks to Bowl Line for the outstanding renovation, the change in this place is massive compared to the past. Oil, one of our international students said, “These are the most spectacular bowling lines with neon lights I have ever seen!”